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This is the HTML version of PSR Registration Shuffler's manual page. Please note that it might not be up to date. For reference always check the real man page which comes with the program. Thank you.


psrregshuffle (PSR Registration Shuffler) - A program for organizing PSR registration bank files


psrregshuffle [options]



show program’s version number and exit

−h, −−help

show this help message and exit


If you’re using your PSR keyboard for live gigs you’re most probably employing its registration banks for storing each song’s panel settings. After some time you might grow quite a large set of registration banks this way. While creating those is quite straight-forward organization is quite time consuming. Especially if you have your banks organized according to your set list.

In most cases a song’s settings don’t change (much) between gigs. But the set list might change. And than you’re spending quite some time with assembling new registration banks out of your existing banks. What makes the process so time consuming is the fact that you always have to store your new bank to disc in order to load another one which holds the settings for the next song. Than you need to load the new bank again for storing the song in it. And so on.

The PSR Registration Shuffler is meant to set an abrupt end to this. You will still need to create your registrations on the keyboard. And you need to apply changes to them on the keyboard, too. But when you’re preparing for an upcoming gig and need to assemble new bank files out of pre-existing registrations only you can do so within the comfort of your computer at a speed unmatched by the keyboard.


PSR Registration Shuffler maintains a data directory where you need to import your bank files to. During that process the bank file gets split up into single registrations so that the data directory contains many singular files with each holding a registration. In that regard the data directory resembles a library with all available registrations.

Afterwards you can assemble new bank files of all registrations. This means the application will create ready-to-use bank files which you can transfer to your keyboard. Note that the act of transfer is out of scope for PSR Registration Shuffler. Depending on your keyboard model you can use a floppy disc, an USB storage device or some other kind of connection.

As an added bonus you can set the name of each registration on the computer, too. So you don’t have to do so on the keyboard which also can take quite a lot of time if the instrument doesn’t allow to hook up an external keyboard. But please keep in mind that this is the only supported manipulation of registrations. Since the file format is poorly documented and widely unknown to the public there are no other changes allowed. You should do them on the instrument, anyway since on the computer you can’t listen to your changes.


The user-interface mainly consists of three tabs:

• Create bank files
• Import registrations
• About

Yet above all tabs there is the data directory chooser. Use it in order to select the data directory where you want to import your registrations to and where you want to draw them from for assembling registration banks.

The first tab is where you can see all available registrations of the data directory and build new banks. Therefor two lists are shown side by side. In order to create a new bank just drag and drop the registrations from the left list to the right one and push "Save bank file". You’ll be asked for a filename for the new bank file then.

In order to populate your data directory you need to import registrations from existing bank files. This is what the second tab is for. Please make sure to highlight (select) all registrations which you want to import. Not-selected registrations won’t be imported.

The third tab finally shows credits and copyright information.


As I don’t own any other PSR keyboard except the PSR-2000 and since the file formats used by those keyboards are not well documented if at all the PSR-2000 is the only supported keyboard. If you own any other keyboard and are willing to provide help of whatever type please get in touch with me.


Written by Dennis Schulmeister <dennis −at− ncc−>


Copyright © 2008 Dennis Schulmeister

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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